Tuesday, December 2, 2014

What's your choice?

So, I've been playing Heroes of the storm for a while now. Recently I picked up League just to see what all the fuss is about. I think it's time to actually do a review between the two games and then give my opinion on which one I like more.

Just getting started.

This is the important part for anyone just getting started in any DOTA type game like League or HOTS. The ease of entry and learning can affect someone's appreciation for the game, as well as if they will come back and play it more.

Heroes of the storm(blizzard) forces you into a tutorial, with an option of skipping it if you have not already played the game before.

LoL has the option for a tutorial, but you can basically skip it, as it references their website on how to play.

Starting advantage: None

Playing your first game and character selection.

So, you've played/skipped your tutorial. now what do you do? Well, you go in for your first game.
In heroes of the storm it's locked to a practice game for your first 1-3 levels before you can play against other people. This goes by fast and further helps you learn the game and the hero you are playing.

In league, you are rather forced to play with people vs the computer AI for a huge majority of the time while you level up your account before you can even think about playing against people, and then once you decide you want to face someone besides bots, you have to go through an even more complicated system like, what game type, map, what lane, do I want to float, etc. before you even get to the character select screen.

Selecting your character is relatively easy in HOTS (not just because it's in alpha right now with not a lot of toons). when you select a toon, you are given an option of looking over the characters talent load outs, what the character is designed to do (assassin, warrior, specialist, support) and how easy the character is to play/learn, and then hit ready and be matched up.

In league you have to be into the game already, hope that your allies haven't picked your guy, then you have to click on each one to see what they can do, and read a bar graph on what the characters are good at. You also have to have a mastery picked out for the toon, as well as other items (that will be touched on later).

Advantage: Heroes of the storm

In Game Play and character customization in game.

Heroes of the storm is all about the talents. What you pick on the toon is what you are going to focus on for the rest of the game. you could be going against a healing malfurion one game, and a dps malfurion another. You are locked into a talent with no way of changing them as the game progresses and as your team levels up, you level up.

League is all about those dollar dollar bills. You buy items from the cash shop when you go back to town, and you can customize your character that way. Leveling is individual based, and if one lane gets behind or your opponents level up really fast, you're in for a world of hurt. You can sell and buy different items at any point in the game, and coin generation is very minimal. A very, effort equals reward system. It's also more complicated as you have to know what you are going to buy, what you need to get it cheaper, when to buy it, etc.

Controls for both games are identical, with a mouse and a qwerd key format. Each game has a range indicator and a line of site arrow.

Advantage: League

Community support

This is the big one, and hard to judge based on blizzard's game being in current alpha where as league has been in production for a while.

It seems that in league most of the time your team is talking about lanes, dpa etc, where as hots seems to be more relaxed and generally more ragey at times(not me I swear!). It's also harder in league to kick an AFK player and so far if you report him after the game, nothing happens. *I reported two people for being AFK in a game, the next game 30 minutes later I was in, the same guys went afk again*

so, I'm going to call this a draw.

Final impressions

Both games have their merits. As hots is in alpha, this initial comparison is subject to change. As a game that you just pick up and play and not have a lot of research, I prefer Heroes of the storm. I'm sure that the more I play league and learn it's very complex system and do more research I will like that as well, but while I do that, I'll be playing heroes of the storm.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Frieza is the new black

If the title isn't any indication, this is all about everyone's "favorite" villian that can talk for 25 episodes in the last 5 minutes of a planet's destruction.. Frieza!

It wasn't until recently I was trying to come up with a new "out of the box" deck that I stumbled across him. He is just amazing for at least my playstyle.

Powers of Frieza

Level -1 Whenever you stop an attack, gain an anger
Level -2 Power: Discard a card from your hand to perform the last attack against you this combat, it gets an additional +2 power stages of damage
Level -3 Your attacks deal +3 stages of damage and you can use your level 1 power
Level -4 Power: Destroy the top 4 cards of your opponents life deck, search your life deck for a frieza named card and put it into your hand, you can also use your level 2 power.


Now, why is frieza so good? well, his level 1 and 3 are designed to help him get to his level 2 and level 4 personalities fast. his level 2 is amazing. The wording on the card means you perform the last attack, secondary effects and ALL because you are basically copying the last attack.. So, if you are playing against say, orange ginyu and they throw a staredown just to do damage.. ditch a card in your hand and banish their guldo or burter.. Playing against red or saiyan and they just did one of their multi hit attacks? copy it and do it again later.. least til it's ruled other wise.

What's even better is that you don't even have to let the attack go through. you can block it and still perform it on your next turn by ditching a dead card in your hand.

Named cards of Frieza

His physical attack has an added benefit when being ditched. It's normally a physical that does AT stages, but when ditched from your hand it raises or lowers a players anger. So, ditch it to do frieza's level 2 power and gain an anger in addition to all the effects on the card that was just played (because you are performing the last attack after all) Win win

The money card tho.. is SUPERNOVA!!!!! (yes, with added exclamation points). It's an energy attack that costs 3 stages to perform, but it's damage is 5 life cards + X where X is equal to  3 times the number of frieza named cards in your discard pile. remember all those captive strikes you discarded to do his level 2, or those early supernovas that are sitting in your discard pile?add em all up and do a big supernova for half their life deck. Base damage on the last supernova comes to 20 life cards of damage in one attack.. and that's not including modifiers from mastery, drills, etc. That;s a huge chunk of damage.

Styles of Frieza

There are really only 3 styles of frieza that I would consider workable. Red, Black, Orange.
Frieza blue is a trap. Sure, you can get off level 1 easy but you'll be hard pressed to get past level 2..

Red seems to be the popular choice as a lot of the red blocks gain you anger so getting to level 2 and level 4 will be a snap. It's also more physical with multi attacks that raise your anger on each bounce and help you hit the MPPV condition really fast.

Orange is the middle ground, and a personal favorite of mine. it's drills ramp up the damage to make that supernova do even more damage when you blast them to the dome with it. it also has on table blocks and the style itself is very defensive, a counter and blast type move.

Black.. the Ideal, in my opinion, choice for Frieza. There's just so much manipulation inside of black and a ton of the cards in black do bonus stuff when you discard them..Also, Cards like Black searching technique, and black scout maneuver, can really mess your opponent up.. Playing against namekian? take out all his hybrid defenses and energy blocks with two cards, then counter with your big super nova.. you can also get even more copy cating thanks to Black reflection. That good card they used that banished? use it and gain all the benefits of the card. Black also has a ton of anger generation in it so you can get up to level 4 very fast and just mill your opponent to the brink of destruction.

So, there you have it. A brief overview of Frieza.
I plan to have a few decks pop up over the next couple of days once I start to work out the kinks like ratio of damage to energy, why this card over that, etc.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

All is not created equal.

This one is going to be a little different from my usual blogs that discuss decks or strategy. This is going to be basically my opinion on the current state of the game, and how to fix it.

After some massive play testing today, I've noticed a major flaw in at least 2 of the masteries for the DBZ CCG as well as some other things.

First up, Orange and the orange mastery. There are two flaws in this mastery. The first flaw is in the play style itself. It's very non combat oriented and when you get stuck without blocks or with low energy you're kinda SOL. The non combat oriented revolved around your drills, that can easily be banished, removed, or just plain discarded. It also limits you to one of three personalities to even get off the ground, Krillin, Goku, or Frieza.

The second flaw in orange, is how to get the drills back and in play. Built into the mastery it says that at the end of combat where you performed critical damage, you can put a drill from your discard pile back into play.. It doesn't say from your banished pile, just discard. getting a critical damage effect in combat is very hard in orange without the drills, especially through damage prevention, yet banishing a drill is easy as all styles have access to easy banishes.

Fixes for orange could be easy. Just add to the end either Banish or discard for a drill when you get a critical damage effect. This way you have drill protection without having to rely on your main personality.

The Second mastery with a huge flaw is red. Red was the ultimate anger generation back in the score-z era. Now, it's very bipolar.you have attacks that raise anger, attacks that if you lower your anger it does something, attacks that only raise your anger on a hit.. it's like, decide what the hell you're suppose to be, an anger deck, or a deck that keeps you at a certain stage with just enough to outlast all the blocks. In its bi polar state it also tends to stall out and have no real consistency, even when you are doing your "go big or go home" style of attacks. It's very easy for your opponent to throw a wrench into your plans. stop one of the instances of the multi attack blocks or lower your anger and boom, combo broken.

Fixes for red would be cards that grant critical damage effects to let you use the effect even if the card is stopped.  It would make red shoulder grab a much needed card, and would give red the consistency it needs to maintain it's anger.

Now, onto the masteries that SHOULD be nerfed.

There's really only one in this category.. I'm looking at you namekian.

First off, this mastery is really broken beyond believe and I am surprised that it got past play testing in this current format. Do not tell me that oh it's easy to beat because it's not. First off, interactions between the mastery and the deck need fixed. A dragon ball should only make you discard the top card of your deck if it is played on their side, not through placed, or anything else that just makes dragon balls magically appear like a leprechaun to a rainbow.

Second, You should not be able to gain multiple anger through single card usages. It's regeneration anger effect should only be usable once per turn. Reason I say this, 99% of the cards in namekian rejuvenate. I know that none of of the cards in namekian say raise your anger X and that regeneration is their form of anger, but it's a little out of control. Oh look, I touch my deck because I didn't do anything, I gain an anger. I'll just sit here, block, and do nothing and get to level 4 because I rejuvenated or shuffled in a card that gained me 2 anger and then another anger. Oh yah, you can't banish any of my cards because I have them all in my deck, oh did I mention I stacked it with all these blocks that rejuvenate themselves over and over again..

If they don't limit it, they really should have said you can't win by MPPV like the saiyan mastery, or have some of the blocks banish after use because it's really unfair to see Hybrid defense 8 times in a game vs every other decks limited blocks.

This has been a brief rant about the state of balance on a few of the masteries. I should have some more decks playtested with dbzfanatics in the near future and some reviews, tips and strategies.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Orange Trunks, No not the swimming kind.

I'm going to start what I like to call Deck Theory that WORKS. This is going to be combinations in dbz that may not be considered Top Tier A class decks that surprisingly work in theory and in practice if played right.

This topic, as if the card up top is any indication of a spoiler, is about Trunks and combining him with ORANGE!

I know, I know, some people will call me crazy and say, oh if you play orange do it with Ginyu or Goku as they are designed for it, but actually trunks works out very well..

First, the Deck
Main Personality:
Trunks, Energy Charged
Trunks, Inquisitive
Trunks, Resolved
Trunks, Young Super Saiyan

1 x Orange Adaptive Mastery

Dragon Balls:
1 x Namek Dragon Ball 1
1 x Namek Dragon Ball 2
1 x Namek Dragon Ball 5
1 x Namek Dragon Ball 6

1 x Orange Aura Drill
1 x Orange Burning Aura Drill
1 x Orange Devouring Drill
1 x Orange Empowered Drill
1 x Orange Energy Dan Drill
1 x Orange Energy Phasing Drill
1 x Orange Focusing Drill
1 x Orange Guardian Drill
1 x Orange Hiding Drill
1 x Orange Steady Drill
1 x Quickness Drill

1 x Orange Celebration
 2 x Orange Escape

3 x Orange Destruction
2 x Orange Excavation
3 x Confrontation
1 x Time Is A Warrior's Tool

Physical Combats:
1 x Orange Cover Up
3 x Orange Overhead Smash
2 x Orange Refocus
1 x Orange Uppercut
2 x Orange Quick Dodge
3 x Trunk's Sword Slash

Energy Combats:
2 x Orange Energy Catch
2 x Orange Energy Evasion
3 x Orange Offensive Strike
3 x Orange Power Point
3 x Orange Precise Shot
3 x Orange Stare Down
3 x Overpowering Attack

1 x Bulma, Genius
1 x Yamcha, Action Ready

Why Trunks.

Since the re-release I've always been drawn back to my favorite character in all of Z. His ability is one of if not the best power in the game. Stage 1 you look at the top 4 cards of your life deck and put them back in any order at the start of combat and banish the top card in your opponents discard pile.
Stage 2, you can do that to Either deck, AND you pick the card to banish.
Stage 3, you look at the top 6 cards and put them back in any order, then draw a card (effectively giving you a 4 card draw)
Stage 4, look at the top 6 of EITHER deck and place them back in any order.

Why do I think this is the best power in the game?
You will never have a bad hand when your opponent enters combat, and on stage 2 and 4 you can almost guarantee your opponent will draw crap, or at the very least know what your opponent has in his hand.

How it plays

It plays well very Defensively, that is, don't attack every turn unless you can almost guarantee massive damage or that most of your cards will go through. 

It goes through the typical progression of orange. put all your drills in play, protect them Orange Focusing Drill (cards that banish or destroy your drills can only hit that drill), get them back when they are discarded thanks to the mastery or one of the other cards. Orange Precise shot can get that key card in the discard to banish later,

Key "Tech"
The stand outs are of course Trunk's Physical attack aka the Sword Slash. What it does is in addition to it being a physical attack, with trunk's already high stages can be a big damage boost. It lets you banish 6 cards from the discard pile, and on a hit it makes your next Styled energy attack a success. Timed with the right energy attack could be devastating for your opponent. Orange Power Point can get that drill that you need as well.

Bulma is also tech. Once you have that key card in your opponent's discard pile, Throw bulma out there to take it so it can't be played. Namekian Hybrid defense got you down? Put it on bulma. Blue cards that are annoying? Bulma says NO!  Sure she can be discarded, but that's what overpowering attack is for. Bring her back out, and put a different card on her.

Yamcha. He is under utilized for how awesome he is. On a hit he can shuffle an ally, drill or setup into it's owners deck from play. With orange you're going to be spending stages to do energy attacks so you can get down there. with Confrontation and knowing what your opponent is going to draw, you can plan around getting down to those ally using stages and then using him to shuffle that unkillable thing.

Orange Destruction. Take a huge chunk of unstoppable (minus an Ultra rare) damage to the face. With the full force of the drills in play you can have at most a 12 card discard, Averages out to 6-7 damage per card use without all the drills. Sure, you can't use a critical damage effect, but it can easily mill your opponents deck down.

Orange Excavation is excellent for getting back your drills into your deck. It also allows you to draw the bottom card of your discard pile in combat.


1) Why so little physical combat cards to take advantage of Trunk's high power levels and stages?
A) Because when it all comes down to it, Orange is energy and drills. Take out the stop energy attacks and you can win the battle.

2)How does it respond to a Saiyan beatdown deck?
A) It has the key physical stops, ability to get to it when needed, AND has the ability to end combat at a whim thanks to orange escape and the massive number of drills

3) Why No Ultra rares?
A) It's in my opinion that ultra rares, barring the Villain one, are not staples in any deck. Sure an energy sphere can be useful for taking out an event, but Really, you'd save it for Confrontation/Stare down (which accomplishes the goal of the card to discard a card from their hand) and if you have 3 of them in a deck, that's 3 less cards that could be useful as attacks or other things that could improve on deck consistency. The Villain one that discards double the damage of what you just took from an attack is nice, but that's a one out of 60 card chance that you'll get to use it, and if your opponent is playing black, they can choose to use it thanks to one of their energy cards.

4) Is confrontation really needed for this deck with the ability to control your opponents combat hand on levels 2 and 4?
A) It's not needed, but It's very nice. You have to get to level 2 first, and you will never know what's really in an opponents hand. They're also cards that "Fetch" other cards in the game as well. The look on your opponents face after he fetches that card that might turn it around for him only to be discarded is priceless. Do I recommend opening with it? No, Wait a bit behind your blocks and drills and then destroy his hand.

5) Is this a "Top Teir" deck?
A) It needs more playtesting but it's on the verge of being one. In initial testing I forgot a few things like the mastery, order of drills, what the drills do, etc. but the potential is there. Recursion was amazing and using things like confrontation 4 times in a game thanks to said recursion helped out a lot. A lot of the deck will work better over the course of more games, but I think this might be one of the decks that can finally claim the top spot over Namekian Picc's and Blue Ginyu.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Kazon are actually good now??

First Resistance is futile event op1 was held this past sunday and we had the option of either 120 points, or 90/30 and use the blind. I decided on the 90 point blind and although my build went well, and was the only non borg build at the event, and the blind pull was what brought it over the top.

I got the Kazon blind pull. for those that don't know the Kazon blind is a predator class ship, 4 primary attack, 1 agility, 5 hull, 3 shields with a decent maneuver dial. it's got a 180 degree arc and a 90 degree secondary arc, but it's ability is what puts it over the top. When you perform a green maneuver, add +1 attack dice this round.. So, a ship, with 4 primary attack goes up to 5 when I decide to go slow and has a rear arc? YES PLEASE!

What makes it even better is that the upgrades in it, aren't completely terrible! It's weapon slots are usable with the photonic charges being 4 dice at range 1 and places an aux token on you if something hit, and the other weapon being a 4 dice that can be fired out of any arc (perfect for the coming about) is just amazing.

For the next 120 point tournament. I think I will be trying that ship out in a real constructed format.

I also am deciding to go with a more multi ship build with little upgrades people can steal.. because shenanigans from the borg are quite annoying.

I give you.. Kazon and Friends!

List Name

Resource: Flagship Independent (Klingon) (10)

Relora-Sankur (26)
Gul Dukat (6)
Boheeka (3)
Ship SP: 35

Koranak (26)
Mr. Spock (5)
Breen Aide (2)
Ship SP: 33

USS Enterprise-E (32)
Jean-Luc Picard (6)
Flagship (0)
Counter Attack (4)
Ship SP: 42

Total Build SP: 120

The idea is simple, Every ship has at least 5 attack dice, every ship can Scan and Battle sations, and two of the three ships can convert one blank to a hit. the defense lies in multiple targets. Borg missiles seem to wreck almost anything that it touches when it comes to single ship builds (because having something like that that gives aux tokens with no drawback is stupid), and even tho the hull and shield values are low on everything except the fed ship, it's weight of fire. Take the one hit, hope I live, then Unload on them with 6 dice from the E, 6 dice from the Koranak(thanks to the klingon flagship) and 6 dice from the Relora (again, thanks to the flagship and a green maneuver) and, if they target the E with anything, another 6 dice thanks to counter attack! so, maximum output of 24 damage in one turn!

It's also multi faction so Ahab picard will have to choose which one he wants to go after (hoping my opponent chooses fed so he can get counter attacked a lot) and I don't care if boheeka or the breen aid get assimilated.

So, Bring on the Kazon and friends!

*Revision to the list*

Resource: Flagship Independent (Klingon) (10)

Relora-Sankur (26)
Gul Dukat (6)
Boheeka (3)
Ship SP: 35

Koranak (26)
Weyoun (5)
Flagship (0)
Breen Aide (1)
Amat'Igan (2)
Ship SP: 34

USS Enterprise-E (32)
Jean-Luc Picard (6)
Dmitri Valtane (3)
Ship SP: 41

Total Build SP: 120

 After thinking about it and realizing that 3 actions on an E were too many, I switched the flagship to the koranak to activate the breen aid, and added in amat for 3 defense dice and breen aid protection, and added in a re-roll mechanic to the E so that every ship has some ability to manipulate dice.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

From the ashes rises.... A new take on an old game.

After releasing 14 years ago, the very first ccg that I ever took an active role in trying to get out to the community, and running a lot of tournaments for, is back. Dragon Ball Z not only is back, but it's back with a vengance. The rules are streamlined from the old days, a lot of the broken combos have been flushed out and the company actually seems to care about the game!

The main difference between the old game and the new one is that you HAVE to dedicate your deck to a certain fighting style (blue, saiyan, namekian etc) and, that every deck has to be the same size ie 60 cards. Under the old game you could not dedicate yourself and throw every nasty combo despite color and that each deck could have anywhere from 50-70 cards, so you had decks designed to draw their entire deck out on the first combat and win that way no longer legal in this edition of the game. You can also use the new cards with all your old ones in what people are starting to refer to as the Retro format.

It's a whole new game

Personalities in this new rendition of the game are amazing as well as the masteries.

Since each deck has to be dedicated, I just want to go over briefly what I think about each of them


This has always been the "Gain Anger" mastery. It has gotten a bit of a redo from the old edition. Now you only gain the anger from the mastery when you use a critical effect (although red is not lacking on anger gaining on the cards themselves), but when you advance a level you draw and discard a card, and when you lower a level you draw a card. This style would probably work around Frieza or the better choice, VEGETA who just screams, I'm going to punch you in the face.


This has been the calming, anti anger mastery. The same is true in this edition, although now it has the added benefit of once a combat you can ditch an attack to counter the opposite type of attack, IE Energy for physical etc. This mastery also has a lot of ally support in it and set up support (things that you put out in play to use at a later time) so having a lot of allies in your deck can be a good thing, as allies are amazing now and limited to once per deck. The king personalities of this deck are either Captain Ginyu, or goku/gohan with lots of ally support.


The typical We have drills and we love them style, oh and energy attacks do more damage. This is great if you want to have a lot of drill support for all your attacks, which orange is king of, and want to get to a critical damage effect faster, oh and if you do that, you can get one of those drills your opponent discarded back. This works great with any personality but Goku seems to be designed for it


 The manipulation deck. Discard cards to cause your opponent to hate you by forcing a discard on all their good cards and have no discard pile to go through. plus you get a bonus of +1 stage and life card on all your attacks.. This works great with the use of Trunks (who's powers at any stage are basically to set your life deck up or your opponents depending) but can be used with just about any personality without feeling gimped.


The beatdown mastery. you can't win by one of the alternate win conditions, but who cares, you're higher than your opponent and just smacking him down. It's limited to the saiyans, ie Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Trunks, but works with any of them, Goku and Trunks especially.


Regeneration specialists, and able to win with any of the 3 victory conditions really well. Piccilo is the main one you see but also see a few Gohan(who can use it because he was trained by the namek) to pop up as well.

Overall impressions:

The game seems fun again. you don't need a lot of rares to make the decks work, although they do help, and that it's easy to pick up for a new player or an experienced player. the cards seem balanced, although time will tell on that. I hope that once some tournaments start to take place around the world that we'll start seeing the distribution of mastery/personality to winning ratio.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Quick Pure Dark Eldar, now with grots

(Realspace Raiders Detachment)

HQ (130pts)
Archon (130pts)
Fleet, Independent Character, Night Vision, Power from Pain
Haywire Grenades (5pts) (Haywire), Kabalite Armour, Plasma Grenades, Power Sword (15pts), Shadow field (40pts), Soul-trap (10pts), Splinter Pistol

Elites (276pts)
Grotesques (180pts)
Bulky, Feel No Pain, Night Vision, Power from Pain, Rampage
Grotesque (35pts)
Close combat weapon, Flesh Gauntlet (Lethal Dose)
Grotesque (35pts)
Close combat weapon, Flesh Gauntlet (Lethal Dose)
Grotesque (50pts)
Flesh Gauntlet (Lethal Dose), Liquifier Gun (15pts)
Raider (60pts)
Deep Strike, Night Vision
Disintegrator cannon, Enhanced Aethersails (5pts)

Mandrakes (96pts)
Fear, Fleet, Infiltrate, Move Through Cover, Night Vision, Power from Pain, Shrouded, Stealth
8x Mandrake (96pts)
8x Baleblast, 8x Close Combat Weapon

Troops (314pts)
Kabalite Warriors (157pts)
Fleet, Night Vision, Power from Pain
Kabalite Armour
8x Kabalite Warrior (64pts)
8x Close Combat Weapon, 8x Splinter Rifle
Kabalite Warrior with special weapon (23pts)
Blaster (15pts), Close Combat Weapon
Raider (70pts)
Deep Strike, Night Vision
Disintegrator cannon, Splinter Racks (15pts)

Kabalite Warriors (157pts)
Fleet, Night Vision, Power from Pain
Kabalite Armour
8x Kabalite Warrior (64pts)
8x Close Combat Weapon, 8x Splinter Rifle
Kabalite Warrior with special weapon (23pts)
Blaster (15pts), Close Combat Weapon
Raider (70pts)
Deep Strike, Night Vision
Disintegrator cannon, Splinter Racks (15pts)

Fast Attack (617pts)
Razorwing Jetfighter (140pts)
Night Vision, Supersonic
2 Disintergrator Cannons, 4x Monoscythe Missile, Splinter Cannon (10pts)

Reavers (182pts)
Combat Drugs, Hit & Run, Night Vision, Power from Pain, Skilled Rider
Cluster caltrops (15pts), Wychsuit
Arena Champion (51pts)
Agoniser (25pts), Bladevanes, Splinter pistol
Reaver jetbike
Splinter Rifle
4x Reaver (64pts)
4x Bladevanes, 4x Close combat weapon, 4x Splinter pistol
4x Reaver jetbike
4x Splinter Rifle
Reaver with special weapon (26pts)
Bladevanes, Close combat weapon
Reaver jetbike (10pts)
Blaster (10pts)
Reaver with special weapon (26pts)
Bladevanes, Close combat weapon
Reaver jetbike (10pts)
Blaster (10pts)

Scourges (165pts)
Fleet, Night Vision, Power from Pain
Ghostplate armour, Plasma Grenades
Scourge with Special / Heavy weapon (26pts)
Close combat weapon, Haywire blaster (10pts)
Scourge with Special / Heavy weapon (26pts)
Close combat weapon, Haywire blaster (10pts)
Scourge with Special / Heavy weapon (31pts)
Blaster (15pts), Close combat weapon
Scourge with Special / Heavy weapon (31pts)
Blaster (15pts), Close combat weapon
Solarite (51pts)
Agoniser (25pts), Close Combat Weapon, Splinter pistol

Venom (65pts)
Deep Strike, Night Vision
Flickerfield, Splinter Cannon, Splinter Cannon (10pts)

Venom (65pts)
Deep Strike, Night Vision
Flickerfield, Splinter Cannon, Splinter Cannon (10pts)

Heavy Support (510pts)
Ravager (125pts)
Deep Strike, Night Vision
Dark Lance (5pts), Dark Lance (5pts), Dark Lance (5pts)

Ravager (125pts)
Deep Strike, Night Vision
Dark Lance (5pts), Dark Lance (5pts), Dark Lance (5pts)

Talos (260pts)
Talos (130pts)
Fearless, Feel No Pain, Night Vision
Armoured Carapace, Chain-Flails (5pts), Close Combat Weapon, Stinger Pod (5pts)
Talos (130pts)
Fearless, Feel No Pain, Night Vision
Armoured Carapace, Chain-Flails (5pts), Close Combat Weapon, Stinger Pod (5pts)

Figured I'd toss this up real fast before I attempt this sleep thing. Took out Incubi in favor of str 5 tough 5 multi wound grots and added in a few more weapons.

Now with using the grotesquerie and leadership shenanigains!

Dark Eldar: Codex (2014) (Realspace Raiders Detachment) Selections:

HQ (145pts)

  • Archon (145pts)
    Fleet, Independent Character, Night Vision, Power from Pain
    Haywire Grenades (5pts) (Haywire), Kabalite Armour, Plasma Grenades, Power Sword (15pts), Shadow field (40pts), Soul-trap (10pts), Splinter Pistol, The Armour of Misery (15pts)

Elites (96pts)

  • Mandrakes (96pts)
    Fear, Fleet, Infiltrate, Move Through Cover, Night Vision, Power from Pain, Shrouded, Stealth
    • 8x Mandrake (96pts)
      8x Baleblast, 8x Close Combat Weapon

Troops (314pts)

  • Kabalite Warriors (157pts)
    Fleet, Night Vision, Power from Pain
    Kabalite Armour
    • 8x Kabalite Warrior (64pts)
      8x Close Combat Weapon, 8x Splinter Rifle
    • Kabalite Warrior with special weapon (23pts)
      Blaster (15pts), Close Combat Weapon
    • Raider (70pts)
      Deep Strike, Night Vision
      Disintegrator cannon, Splinter Racks (15pts) 

  • Kabalite Warriors (157pts)
    Fleet, Night Vision, Power from Pain
    Kabalite Armour
    • 8x Kabalite Warrior (64pts)
      8x Close Combat Weapon, 8x Splinter Rifle
    • Kabalite Warrior with special weapon (23pts)
      Blaster (15pts), Close Combat Weapon
    • Raider (70pts)
      Deep Strike, Night Vision
      Disintegrator cannon, Splinter Racks (15pts)

Fast Attack (360pts)

  • Razorwing Jetfighter (130pts)
    Night Vision, Supersonic
    2 Disintergrator Cannons, 4x Monoscythe Missile, Twin-linked Splinter Rifle (Twin-Linked

  • Scourges (100pts)
    Fleet, Night Vision, Power from Pain
    Ghostplate armour, Plasma Grenades
    • 3x Scourge (48pts)
      3x Close combat weapon, 3x Shardcarbine
    • Scourge with Special / Heavy weapon (26pts)
      Close combat weapon, Haywire blaster (10pts)
    • Scourge with Special / Heavy weapon (26pts)
      Close combat weapon, Haywire blaster (10pts) 

  • Venom (65pts)
    Deep Strike, Night Vision
    Flickerfield, Splinter Cannon, Splinter Cannon (10pts) 

  • Venom (65pts)
    Deep Strike, Night Vision
    Flickerfield, Splinter Cannon, Splinter Cannon (10pts)

Heavy Support (510pts)

  • Ravager (125pts)
    Deep Strike, Night Vision
    Dark Lance (5pts), Dark Lance (5pts), Dark Lance (5pts) 

  • Ravager (125pts)
    Deep Strike, Night Vision
    Dark Lance (5pts), Dark Lance (5pts), Dark Lance (5pts) 

  • Talos (260pts)
    • Talos (130pts)
      Fearless, Feel No Pain, Night Vision
      Armoured Carapace, Chain-Flails (5pts), Close Combat Weapon, Stinger Pod (5pts)
    • Talos (130pts)
      Fearless, Feel No Pain, Night Vision
      Armoured Carapace, Chain-Flails (5pts), Close Combat Weapon, Stinger Pod (5pts)

Dark Eldar: Supplement - Haemonculus Covens (Formation Detachment) Selections:

Formation (425pts)

  • Formation: Grotesquerie (425pts)
    Freakish Spectacle, Latest Experiments
    • Grotesques (175pts)
      Bulky, Night Vision, Power from Pain, Rampage
      • Grotesque (50pts)
        Flesh Gauntlet (Lethal Dose, Lethal Dose), Liquifier Gun (15pts)
      • Grotesque (35pts)
        Close combat weapon, Flesh Gauntlet (Lethal Dose, Lethal Dose)
      • Grotesque (35pts)
        Close combat weapon, Flesh Gauntlet (Lethal Dose, Lethal Dose)
      • Raider (55pts)
        Deep Strike, Night Vision 

    • Grotesques (135pts)
      Bulky, Night Vision, Power from Pain, Rampage
      • Grotesque (50pts)
        Flesh Gauntlet (Lethal Dose, Lethal Dose), Liquifier Gun (15pts)
      • Grotesque (35pts)
        Close combat weapon, Flesh Gauntlet (Lethal Dose, Lethal Dose)
      • Grotesque (50pts)
        Flesh Gauntlet (Lethal Dose, Lethal Dose), Liquifier Gun (15pts) 

    • Haemonculus (115pts)
      Feel No Pain, Independent Character, Master of Pain, Night Vision, Power from Pain
      Close combat weapon, Gnarlskin, Scissorhand (10pts), Splinter Pistol, Webway portal (35pts)